24 July 1813
Table at the start of Move 12
First - Poor Card
General Tauentzien will not count as morale support
Second - VI French – 6CP

Artillery fire on east Helmstedt and miss
21 brigade (shaken) move out of west Helmstedt
22 brigade move to edge of west Helmstedt to replace 21 brigade
23 brigade skirmish east Helmstedt, no casualties
Garrison east Helmstedt unable to skirmish due to earlier casualties
21 brigade test morale for shaken, fail and rout
22 brigade test morale for rout, pass no effect
Third - 4th Prussian – 8CP

Artillery fire on 23 brigade (skirmish east Helmstedt) and miss
Blucher moves to centre of Helmstedt
16 landwehr brigade moves to support west Helmstedt
Test morale for shaken 14 brigade in west Helmstedt, fail remain shaken
Test morale for shaken 15 brigade in east Helmstedt, fail and rout
Test morale for 13 brigade (garrison east Helmstedt) pass
Test morale for 16 brigade (within 4” of rout), pass
Second - French CinC – 8CP
No action
Effect on Campaign
Table at nightfall 24 July 1813
This has been a very hard fought battle, both sides have considerable casualties and neither side is in firm control of Helmstedt. For this reason the battle is a draw, and both sides will have to withdraw during the night.
Because both CinC are present, they will decide the direction of retreat, and will include this in their orders for 25 July 1813.
Detailed casualties will be sent to each CinC and both corps commanders with the chief of staff report, but I can confirm that each side has lost 8 casualties. This may not seem a lot, but under these rules it can have dramatic results.
1 casualty per brigade is considered light
2 casualties per brigade is considered medium
3 casualties per brigade is considered heavy
Note on the Wargame
This has been a very enjoyable wargame.
The conflicting orders carried over from the campaign should have given the Prussians a good advantage. However their poor command hampered their ability to take full advantage of this opportunity.
The French reacted quickly to the threat to Helmstedt, and managed to get a brigade into the eastern section of the town just as the Prussians arrived.
The presence of both CinC in the game greatly affected command and control. The Prussians were able to overcome the problem of a Poor commander. The French had two commanders and their CinC was able to change orders for any brigade at will.
The town fighting put the rules to the test, and could have gone either way right up to nightfall. Both sides were able to replace the original garrison, and the failure of the final Prussian attack was a complete surprise to us both.
At nightfall the fighting died down. The Prussians still held the village, if only just. So the French withdrew into square M11.
So both sides could claim victory. VI corps controlled the farm, 4th corps the town of Helmstedt. Both sides had achieved their daily objective.