The French have been unable to inflict any casualties by artillery fire
They have also lost the initial cavalry melee
Despite this they must attack if they are to win the battle

General Kleist (Average) – 7CP – Hold
Artillery fire close range (10) and hit shaken 15 brigade
15 brigade test (2) and fail morale and rout
French artillery test (6) and pass morale for nearby (-4”) rout
16 brigade test (6) and pass morale for nearby (-4”) rout
Kleist moves to command range of cavalry
Cavalry charge shaken French cavalry
French unable to counter charge and must accept charge at the halt
Prussian cavalry choose Skirmish melee rather than Attack melee
Prussian win melee (10 plus)
French cavalry lose one casualty and rout

General Reynier (Gifted) – 5CP – Engage
Artillery fire (8) and hit Prussian cavalry
Cavalry test (2) and fail morale and are shaken
Remaining two infantry brigade advance and skirmish with weak 7 Prussian
13 French skirmish (2) and fail to inflict casualties
16 French skirmish (4) and fail to inflict casualties
7 Prussian skirmish (2) and fail to inflict casualties
Notes on Game
The Prussian cavalry are on Hold orders
When they charge they can choose either skirmish or attack melee
They choose skirmish, which is less risk if they lose
With a total of 10 they inflicted one casualty and routed the French cavalry
If they had chosen attack they would have inflicted 2 casualties and rout
Cavalry melee is covered by Rule 14
The French infantry require a total of 6 for a hit when skirmishing.
Both concentrated on the Prussian brigade with three casualties already
Due to poor dice they failed to inflict a hit, which would probably have resulted in rout
Skirmish combat is covered by Rule 11
Due to bad luck (or poor dice) the battle is going badly for the French
They could abandon the attack and accept the casualties
Or hope that by pressing on they will break the fragile Prussian infantry