3 July 1813

As soon as they cross the river Salach 1st corps march along the river Danube towards Passau. 2nd corps march south towards Salzburg.
3 July 1813
As soon as they cross the river Salach 1st corps march along the river Danube towards Passau. 2nd corps march south towards Salzburg.
Over the next four days Kutuzov withdraws all of his army to the east bank of the river Saale.
His concern now is to hold the line of the river and cover the road to Dresden.
Napoleon takes advantage of the Russian concentration around Leipzig to push his 3rd corps over the river to occupy Gera.
With this foothold on the west bank, Napoleon orders his weary troops to close up on the west bank and orders a temporary halt to operations
Effect of the Campaign
The campaign has been a limited success for the French. They have held the Russians on the line of the river Saale. They have also extended the line of the Second Army to the north on the river Elbe. But in doing so they have suffered heavy casualties and are in need of a considerable rest before Napoleon can hope to continue the struggle.
The Russian army is also in line with the Prussians to the north. The great advance has been brought to a complete standstill. But they have both achieved a number of victories against the French, and require only a good rest, reorganization and resupply to be ready to resist any further French advance.
Link to main Halle Campaign Blog
Halle is a strategic town where the Leipzig and Magdeburg roads both cross the river Saale.
Overconfident after a string of victories, Kutuzov orders his whole army to occupy Halle in preparation for an advance on Kassel.
Given the recent defeats most generals would have retired to Kassel – Fulda to regroup, but Napoleon was not most generals. He worked night and day to rally his weary troops and raise their morale sufficient for one last attempt.
The French Old and Young guard, led by Napoleon, attack Halle.
The Russians put up a strong defence, but are eventually forced to withdraw from the town, and cross the river under cover of darkness.
Effect on the Campaign
At last a convincing victory for Napoleon. The Russians have suffered heavy casualties, and will withdraw back over the river Saale at nightfall.
However in earlier battles the French have also suffered heavy casualties, and are in not condition to risk another assault over the river.
Both sides will settle for holding their side of the river. Napoleon has managed to secure the flank of Second French Army at Magdeburg, but has failed to beat the Russians and move north to attack the Prussians.
Napoleon must strike before the Russians can concentrate, he orders two of his corps to take Rohenberg and drive the Russians away from the Dresden road.
Kutuzov orders 2nd corps to abandon Gera and move to support Rohenberg.
Game objective is to capture village of Rohenburg
2nd Russian corps (Jan) in and around town
3rd Russian corps (Jan) will enter top left
2nd French corps (Paul) will enter bottom left
3rd French corps (Paul) will enter bottom right
Despite being outnumbered at Rohenburg the Russian infantry continue to hold. The French gunners have routed and the Russian artillery is moving into canister range.
The Russian infantry in the farm is also holding their own against two French brigades who are exchanging fire with them. The French artillery, now almost in canister range, have failed to inflict a single casualty.
The Russian cuirassiers have reformed after their melee and are awaiting orders to attack
With both French cavalry brigades in rout, and also one of their batteries, Napoleon orders a withdrawal before the Russians can take advantage of the situation.
Effect on Campaign
The young guard, the second best corps in Napoleon’s army, is effectively finished as a fighting force, and Napoleon’s attempt to storm the river Saale has ended in defeat.
20 June 1813
Outflanked in the south, Kutuzov orders his four corps to concentrate on the Dresden road and abandon Leipzig.
All four French corps have now crossed the river Saale, but are widely separated, whereas the Russians hold the central position.
19 June 1813
3rd Russian corps at Neustadt forced to retreat to Greiz as 2nd and 3rd French corps march on Neustadt.
Kutuzov arrives at Gera and orders his four corps to abandon the Leipzig road and concentrate on the Dresden road.
18 June 1813
Lutzen is a village west of the river Saale on the Leipzig road
The village is held by 1st Russian corps
14th Westphalian corps is ordered to cross the river and take the village
The top road goese to Kothen
The left road to Halle
The right road to Leipzig
As the Westphalians cross the river and advance towards Lutzen, the Russians are moving towards the river, and both sides clash in the woods just west of Lutzen.
Both sides commit reinforcements to the woods, but eventually the Russians gain the upper hand.
The Westphalian cavalry covered the retreat over the river Saale.
The Russians had also suffered heavy casualties, but remained in possession of Lutzen.
The Westphalian cavalry covered the retreat over the river Saale.
The Russians had also suffered heavy casualties, but remained in possession of Lutzen.
Effect on Campaign
Things are looking rather bleak for Napoleon. Every attempt to cross the river has ended in failure. He must now decide whether to settle for holding the west bank, or to risk everything on a more determined attempt to cross the river.
Napoleon commits the Imperial Garde to retake Weimar and force the Russians back across the river Saale.
In a close fought battle the 4th Russian corps held Weimar right to the end. The garde cavalry were beaten by the Russian cuirassiers, and three of the four garde infantry brigades were shaken.
As night fell the sole garde infantry brigade finally pushed the Russians out of Weimar. A relieved Napoleon had halted the Russian advance and regained control of the west bank of the river Saale.
15 June 1813
French withdraw to Jena and Russians occupy Gera.
Napoleon is one days march from Weimar
Further north the Russians cross the river Saale at Naumberg and occupy Weimar.
14 June 1813
Filled with confidence after their victory at Neustadt, Kutuzov orders an
attack on Gera, to deny the French their only bridgehead on west bank of the river Saale
The town is held by 2nd French corps
Another hard battle for possession of the only French held town on the eastern bank.
The town is held by a brigade of Young Guard, who hold the town throughout the day but are finally driven out by the Pavlov Grenadier brigade.
The Russians have routed the garrison, but at the loss of one brigade, and have captured one section of the town. The remainder is still held by the French, but two of their brigades are in rout.
Efffect on Campaign
The French withdrew to the west bank under cover of darkness.
This is the second defeat for the French, and they have lost their only hold on the east bank of the river Saale.
The Russians are now deployed along the east bank from Lutzen to Neustadt and well placed to push across to the west bank.
Kutuzov has ordered 3rd corps to occupy Neustadt in order to isolate the French in Gera, their only foot hold on the east bank of the river Saale.
Aware of the danger, Napoleon has ordered his 3rd corps to cross the river and occupy Neustadt.
Both corps approach the town at first light on 23 June 1813, and the Russian win the race for the town. The French attack before they can take full possession, and a desperate hand to hand fight takes place.
The fighting extends to the area around the town and the French cuirassiers rout the Guard Cossacks. However the Russian infantry hold their ground and as night falls the Russians still hold the town and the French retreat back across the river.