Monday, October 31, 2011

Battle of Peine Day Two – Move 8

1500-1600 5 August 1813

Table at the start of move 8

Top – V and VI corps waiting for orders to advance

Centre – IV corps take farm and move towards Celle road

Bottom - 1st and 4th corps are badly placed to meet IV corps attack

IV French Corps

General Reynier (Gifted) – Attack – 7CP

14 brigade enter farm

16 brigade advance 6” towards Celle road

13 brigade advance 6” towards Celle road

Reynier moves to centre of corps

Cavalry advance 6” towards Celle road

15 brigade charge Prussian square

Infantry combat results in a draw, both lose one casualty, both are disordered

13 brigade fail morale test for shaken and rout

14 brigade (in farm) fail morale test for rout within 4” and also rout

1st Prussian corps

General Yorck (Gifted) – Halt –4CP

Artillery fire on and hit (8) 13 French in farm

13 French fail morale (-2) for third casualty and continue rout

4th Prussian Corps

Prince Blucher – Commanding 4th corps – 4CP - Engage

Artillery fire on village (7) at close range and miss

Limber artillery

13 brigade move into farm and skirmish (6) 14 French, one casualty

14 French fail morale (0) for second casualty and continue to rout

14 Prussian fail morale (-2) for rout and continue to rout

VI French corps

Marshal Marmont (Average) – Hold – 2CP

24 brigade advance onto hill

Poor Card

Marshal Davout (Gifted) – 5CP

Move to VI corps change orders to engage

Move to V corps change orders to engage

3rd Prussian corps

General Bulow (Average) – Engage – 5CP

French cuirassier fail test (3) to opportunity charge disordered Prussian square

Artillery fire (9) on 24 French and hit

24 French fail morale (1) for third casualty and are shaken

Artillery manhandle 2” towards Celle road

10 brigade advance 6” to support artillery

9 brigade (square) move 2” to make room for 11 brigade

11 brigade wheel to face French column alongside 9 brigade

11 Prussian (2) skirmish 15 French (4) both miss

V French corps

General Laurison (Average) – Engage – 2CP

Artillery advance 8”

17 brigade advance 6”

Game Notes

Disappointing move for the IV French corps, who started in a very strong position. Two of their four infantry brigades are in rout and they have lost the farm. However they are still well placed to break through north of the farm towards the Celle road and join forces with Davout.

Davout has just received a report that Prussian cavalry are approaching Celle. He must decide whether to fall back on Celle to secure his line of retreat, or to advance to support IV corps and hope to defeat Blucher.

He orders V and VI corps to advance and engage the Prussians in support of IV corps. It is now all or nothing.

Wargame rules can be found at

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Battle of Peine Day Two – Move 7

1400-1500 5 August 1813

Table at the start of move 7

Top – V corps is taking position beside VI corps

Centre – IV corps are ready to attack the farm

Bottom – 4th corps are still taking up position

IV French Corps

General Reynier (Gifted) – Attack – 7CP

15 brigade advance 6”

16 brigade advance 6”

Artillery advance 8”

Reynier move to centre of corps

Cavalry advance 8”

14 brigade attack farm, total combat points 11

14 Prussian (garrison) lose 3 casualties and rout from farm

14 brigade lose 1 casualty and are disordered

13 brigade pass morale test (3) for shaken and become disordered

4th Prussian Corps

Prince Blucher – Commanding 4th corps – 5CP - Move

Artillery fire and hit (9) 13 French

13 French fail (1) morale test for third casualty and are shaken

Blucher changes orders to Engage

13 brigade move to farm

15 brigade move to farm

14 brigade fail morale test for rout

V French corps

General Laurison (Average) – Move – 2CP

Artillery advance 8”

17 brigade form column of attack

1st Prussian corps

General Yorck (Gifted) – Halt –3CP

Artillery fire (5) and miss 13 French

Artillery bounce through (6) and miss 14 French

Poor Card

3rd Prussian corps

General Bulow (Average) – Engage – 4CP

Artillery fire and hit (9) 24 French

24 French test (1) and fail morale for second casualty and are shaken

11 brigade turn right and advance to right of line

9 brigade move 2”

Marshal Davout (Gifted) – 5CP

Move to join chasseur brigade and take command

Chasseurs retire 7” towards corps commander

VI French corps

Marshal Marmont – Hold – 2CP

No orders issued

24 brigade test and pass (3) morale for shaken and become disordered

Game Notes

The French have been very lucky with their dice this turn, both morale and combat

14 French managed to attack the farm before the Prussians had become the garrison. The Prussians had reached the far edge of the farm, but require one full move to become the garrison. The combat took place at the edge of the farm, and with 11 combat points French routed the Prussians with three casualties.

Rule 9 deals with combat at the edge of BUA

When the Prussian garrison of the farm routed there were no supports within 4” who had to test for the rout. In second and third of rout the routers avoid friends, and supports only have to test morale during initial rout.

Rule 17 deals with reaction to rout.

Davout took command of the chasseur brigade because their own corps commander is unable to move them due to the small number of CP each turn (VI corps have four brigades missing and have to deduct 4CP each turn)

Rule 2 deals with CinC taking command of a brigade

Wargame rules can be found at

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Battle of Peine Day Two – Move 6

1300-1400 5 August 1813

Table at the start of move 6

Top – V corps arrive back on the table

Centre – Garrison of farm change over

Bottom – 1st and 4th corps fire on approaching IV corps

3rd Prussian corps

General Bulow (Average) – Engage – 5CP

Artillery fire on 24 French (10) and hit

24 French fail morale (1) and are shaken

9 brigade (square) retire 2”

10 brigade move to left flank and form column of attack

11 brigade move out of farm

4th Prussian Corps

Prince Blucher – 5CP - Commanding 4th corps

Artillery fire on IV corps (4) and miss

16 brigade advance 6”

Blucher moves to centre of corps

14 brigade advance to edge of farm

15 brigade advance 6”

Poor Card

IV French Corps

General Reynier (Gifted) – Move – 5CP

Unable to engage enemy on move orders

Artillery move 8” away from 1st corps artillery

Massed infantry column advance 2”

16 brigade move 6” away from 1st corps artillery

13 brigade test morale (1) for shaken, fail and remain shaken

VI French corps

Marshal Marmont – Hold – 2CP

Marmont moves to command range of infantry

23 brigade form column of attack

24 brigade pass morale (4) for shaken and become disordered

Marshal Davout (Gifted) – 6CP

Move to IV corps change orders from Move to Attack

Move to VI corps

1st Prussian corps

General Yorck (Gifted) – Halt –3CP

Artillery fire (9) on 13 French and score a hit

13 French pass morale test (3) for second casualty

Artillery overshoot (6) but miss

3 brigade move to edge of hill

V French corps

General Laurison (Average) – Move – 2CP

Corps advance 6”

Game Notes

IV French corps are on Move orders and must halt to await new orders.

To move closer than 4” to an enemy a corps must be on Engage or Attack orders

Only the CinC can change orders to Engage or Attack

Rule 4 covers corps orders

Davout has changed IV corps orders to Attack

This is much more aggressive than Engage

He hopes to take the farm before IV corps suffer too many artillery casualties

1st corps artillery fire on massed column and get an overshoot

Artillery firing on massed troops get a bounce through if two brigades within 4”

Rule 7 covers artillery fire

Wargame rules can be found at

Friday, October 28, 2011

Battle of Peine Day Two – Move 5

1200-1300 5 August 1813

Table at the start of move 5

Top – V corps arrives back on table

Centre – Garrison of the farm is being replace with fresh brigade

Bottom – 1st corps is just behind the ridge of the hill

1st Prussian corps

General Yorck (Gifted) – Move –3CP

Change orders to Halt

Artillery move 1” and unlimber

3 brigade form line

Marshal Davout (Gifted) – 5CP

Change V corps orders to “move to right of VI corps”

Move to join IV corps

V French corps

General Laurison (Average) – Move – 2CP

Advance 8” onto table

3rd Prussian corps

General Bulow (Average) – Engage – 6CP

Artillery fire (9) on chasseurs and score one hit

Chasseurs pass morale test (3) for first casualty

10 brigade move towards left flank

11 brigade (garrison) move to edge of farm

9 brigade (square) move 2” towards chasseurs

9 brigade (square) skirmish (6) chasseurs and score one hit

Chasseurs pass morale test (3) for second casualty

VI French corps

Marshal Marmont – Hold – 2CP

Chasseurs about turn and retire onto hill (out of artillery range)

Poor Card

IV French Corps

General Reynier (Gifted) – Move – 7CP

Massed infantry column advance 6”

16 brigade (reserve) advance 6”

Artillery limber and move 4” away from hill

Reynier moves to centre of corps

Cavalry advance 6”

4th Prussian Corps

Prince Blucher – 4CP - Commanding 4th corps

Artillery fire (10) on massed column, hit 13 brigade

13 French fail morale test (2) for first casualty and are shaken

14 brigade moves into farm to replace garrison

Artillery manhandle 2” forward

16” move 6” behind farm

Game Notes

The Prussian army is taking a long time to deploy, but is starting to get into position.

IV French corps has sighted 1st corps on the hill, and are moving away from the threat. They have had to move their artillery, which was in close range of the Prussian guns. This means that they will have to attack the farm without artillery support.

They are also coming under fire from 4th corps, and will soon have 1st corps artillery to contend with. They must close with the farm as quickly as possible before they take too many artillery casualties. They will need support from V and VI corps

Wargame rules can be found at

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Battle of Peine Day Two – Move 4

1100-1200 5 August 1813

Table at the start of move 4

Top – VI French corps is waiting for the return of V corps

Centre – IV French corps and 4th Prussian corps both approach farm

Bottom – 1st Prussian corps move onto hill on flank of IV French corps

Poor Card

3rd Prussian corps

General Bulow (Average) – Engage – 4CP

10 brigade form column of attack and move towards farm

11 brigade (garrison) withdraw to centre of farm

Artillery manhandle 2” towards Celle road

IV French Corps

General Reynier (Gifted) – Move – 7CP

Artillery advance and unlimber

Massed infantry column advance 6” towards farm

Reynier moves to centre of corps

16 brigade advance 6”

VI French corps

Marshal Marmont – Move – 2CP

Marmont moves within command range of cavalry

24 brigade form column of attack

V French corps (off table)

General Laurison (Average) – Move – 2CP

Return 8” towards VI corps

Corps is now on the edge of the table

1st Prussian corps

General Yorck (Gifted) – Move –3CP

Artillery move 4” towards edge of hill

Infantry move 3” towards edge of hill

Yorck moves to edge of hill

4th Prussian Corps

Prince Blucher – 6CP

Commanding 4th corps

Infantry form column of attack

Artillery advance 4” and unlimber

14 brigade advance 6” towards farm

13 brigade advance 6” to support artillery

Marshal Davout (Gifted) – 5CP

Move to join VI corps

Change orders to Hold

Game Notes

The reduced CP for corps with reduced brigades is having an effect. There are three corps with four brigades missing, which is minus 4 on their CP roll. V and VI French corps who are trying to regroup and advance are having particular problems.

IV French corps are still on orders to move to Celle, and are unaware that 1st Prussian corps are just behind the ridge on their left. In the circumstances they are unable to move away from the threat.

3rd corps are trying to redeploy to face V and VI corps, but are pinned by two French cavalry brigades. They are withdrawing the garrison of the farm, a brigade with two casualties.

Blucher is trying to deploy 4th corps to face IV French corps, but there is not enough space between the farm and the hill. He is taking control of the farm, and has sent a full strength brigade from 4th corps to replace the garrison.

Wargame rules can be found at