Top – VI French corps is waiting for the return of V corps
Centre – IV French corps and 4th Prussian corps both approach farm
Bottom – 1st Prussian corps move onto hill on flank of IV French corps
Poor Card

General Bulow (Average) – Engage – 4CP
10 brigade form column of attack and move towards farm
11 brigade (garrison) withdraw to centre of farm
Artillery manhandle 2” towards Celle road

General Reynier (Gifted) – Move – 7CP
Artillery advance and unlimber
Massed infantry column advance 6” towards farm
Reynier moves to centre of corps
16 brigade advance 6”

Marshal Marmont – Move – 2CP
Marmont moves within command range of cavalry
24 brigade form column of attack
V French corps (off table)
General Laurison (Average) – Move – 2CP
Return 8” towards VI corps
Corps is now on the edge of the table

General Yorck (Gifted) – Move –3CP
Artillery move 4” towards edge of hill
Infantry move 3” towards edge of hill
Yorck moves to edge of hill

Prince Blucher – 6CP
Commanding 4th corps
Infantry form column of attack
Artillery advance 4” and unlimber
14 brigade advance 6” towards farm
13 brigade advance 6” to support artillery
Marshal Davout (Gifted) – 5CP
Move to join VI corps
Change orders to Hold
Game Notes
The reduced CP for corps with reduced brigades is having an effect. There are three corps with four brigades missing, which is minus 4 on their CP roll. V and VI French corps who are trying to regroup and advance are having particular problems.
IV French corps are still on orders to move to Celle, and are unaware that 1st Prussian corps are just behind the ridge on their left. In the circumstances they are unable to move away from the threat.
3rd corps are trying to redeploy to face V and VI corps, but are pinned by two French cavalry brigades. They are withdrawing the garrison of the farm, a brigade with two casualties.
Blucher is trying to deploy 4th corps to face IV French corps, but there is not enough space between the farm and the hill. He is taking control of the farm, and has sent a full strength brigade from 4th corps to replace the garrison.
Wargame rules can be found at
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