Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Second Helmstedt – Move 5

1200-1300 1 August 1813

Table at the start of move 5

3rd Prussian corps (left) have one brigade in rout and a second shaken

4th Prussian corps (centre) have to change their orders to Halt

1st Prussian corps (right) are on Hold orders

The Prussian attack is in danger of grinding to a halt

1st Prussian corps

General Yorck (Gifted) – Hold – 5CP

Artillery fire (4) on 22 French and miss

4th Prussian corps

General Tauentzien (Poor) – Halt – 5CP

Artillery fire (9) on 18 French and inflict one casualty

18 French test morale (1) for fourth casualty, fail become Shaken

No further action possible on Halt orders

V French corps

General Laurison (Average) – Hold - 6CP

Artillery fire (6) on routed 12 Prussian and miss

Artillery overshoot (7) on 11 Prussian and miss

17 Infantry (in square) move 2” towards enemy hussars

17 infantry fire (7) on hussars and cause one casualty

Prussian hussars test morale (-2) for second casualty, fail and rout

Laurison moves to command range (8”) of cuirassiers

Cuirassiers test morale (-1) for tour, fail and continue to rout off table

Marshal Davout (Gifted) – 6CP

No orders required

Prince Blucher (Average) – 5CP

Change 4th corps orders from Halt to Engage

Move to 3rd corps

3rd Prussian corps

General Bulow (Average) – Engage – 6CP

Artillery fire (8) on 18 French and cause one casualty

18 French test morale (-2) for fifth casualty, fail and rout

French gunners test morale (2) for rout within 4”, fail and are shaken

20 French test morale (40 for rout within 4”, pass

11 infantry advance 6”

9 Infantry advance 6”

Routed hussars retire 12”

Test morale (-1) for shaken 10 infantry, fail and rout

Test morale (-2) for routed 12 infantry, fail and continue to rout

Test morale (-2) for routed hussars, fail and continue to rout

Poor Card

No effect, poor commander has already moved

VI French corps

Marshal Marmont (Average) – Hold – 6CPAlign Center

Unlimber artillery to fire on 4th Prussian

Game Notes

The battle has gone seriously wrong for the Prussian army

1st corps is too weak to attack

3rd corps have two infantry and one cavalry brigades in rout

4th corps were unable to advance to engage the enemy due to the Poor Card

Two brigades were unable to move into skirmish range of the enemy

The cavalry brigade were unable to advance to charge the limbered artillery

Blucher must decide whether to order a withdrawal or run the risk of even more casualties by reinforcing failure.

Wargame rules can be found at


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