Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Prussians win Magdeburg Campaign

16 May 1813

Strategic map at end of campaign

Blucher has achieved his campaign objective.

He has control of both Magdeburg and Calbe.

He is well placed to continue his campaign on the west bank of the river once his battered troops are rested and reinforced.

Despite his victory at Magdeburg Davout has failed his campaign objective.

He has failed to hold the Prussians at the line of the river Elbe.

He will have to establish a new defensive line further west.

Link to main Magdeburg campaign blog

15 May 1813

Wargame Table Map

The French rested after their day of victory.

Blucher had lost the battle, but not the campaign.

He still held Magdeburg and Calbe.

He withdrew 3rd and 4th corps to the east bank to rest and recover

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