Having crossed the river Elbe Blucher orders his corps to advance west until they make contact with the French. His strategic objective is Hanover, but he can not develop a plan until he locates the enemy corps.
Davout has received reports of a large scale Prussian advance over the river Elbe. He has ordered his corps to move east and take up defensive positions between Uelzen and Brunswick.

The first battle of the campaign was east of the northern town of Uelzen.
This was an encounter battle between Reynier’s IV corps and Kleist’s 2nd corps.
Reynier was defeated and retreated towards Munster
Both corps suffered light casualties

A second encounter battle to the south between Steinhorst and Bodenteich
This time a French victory as Laurison’s V corps defeated Yorck’s 1st corps
Yorck retreated east towards Salzwedel
Both corps suffered medium casualties

When Marmont received news of the French victory he ordered an advance on Wolfsburg
Another French victory despite a determined defence by Tauentzien.
VI corps entered Wolfsburg and 4th corps withdrew east towards Kalbe
Light casualties meant both corps would soon be operational again

Second Uelzen was the result of Kleist marching south to support Tauentzien
Reynier took advantage by marching to occupy Uelzen
IV corps took Uelzen but 2nd corps managed to regain the Rosche road
Kleist suffered heavy casualties, leaving Reynier in a strong position

After their third defeat of the campaign, the Prussian army retreated east to gain time to rest and recover.
The French had also suffered casualties, and Davout allowed them this one day to rest and recover.

Blucher attacked XIII corps at Helmstedt with 3rd and 4th corps
Poniatowski withdrew east to allow time for VI corps to arrive
Marmont waited for orders and arrived too late to join the battle
XIII corps was broken and routed west on the Hanover roadTwo battles, one at Rosche and a second at Wolfsburg
Reynier attacked Kleist east of Rosche expecting an easy victory
2nd corps fought with great determination, and eventually won the day
Both corps suffered heavy casualties
IV corps withdrew in disorder leaving their artillery behind
Wolfsburg was a complicated battle
Yorck and Marmont fought for possession of the town.
Both were attacked from the rear during this fight
In the confusion 1st Prussian corps had to surrender two brigades
Prussians lost and retreated south towards Helmstedt.
Prussian 1st and 4th corps retreated to Helmstedt
French V and VI followed them
Blucher ordered 3rd corps to abandon march on Hanover
By nightfall three Prussian corps were concentrated against two French

Davout fought Second Helmstedt to stop the Prussian advance on Hanover
He attacked with V and VI corps
Blucher held Helmstedt with 1st and 2nd corps and was much weaker than Davout
He ordered 3rd corps to abandon their march on Hanover and return to Helmstedt
The result was a convincing Prussian victory
Davout fled from the battlefield along the Wesendorf road with V and VI corps
His only desire was to put as many miles between him and Blucher as possible
He was relieved to find that the Prussian’s had not mounted a pursuit
Blucher had spent the day regrouping 1st, 3rd and 4th corps on the Brunswick road
He was determined to march on Hanover in overwhelming force
2nd Prussian corps was ordered south to guard his lines of communications

Davout was relieved that the Prussians had not mounted a pursuit
By nightfall he had reached Celle with IV, V and VI corps.
Both V and VI corps carried battle casualties and were in need of a rest
A report from XIII corps at Peine that the Prussians were expected to attack at daybreak
He promised Poniatowski that if he decided to fight, Davout would march to support him
West of Peine Blucher prepared his three corps to attack at first light
XIII corps decided to fight to hold Peine
Davout agreed to support them with IV, V and VI
IV corps did not arrive, but marched on Brunswick instead
Blucher attacked Peine with 1st, 3rd and 4th corps and won the battle
XIII corps routed towards Hanover
Davout held a council of war with V and VI to decide what to do next
Unaware that IV corps was at Brunswick they decided to retreat to Celle.
Second Peine was a disaster for the French
IV corps attacked Peine from Brunswick at first light
Unaware of their approach Davout had ordered V and VI corps to retreat to Celle.
The three Prussian corps were regrouping after yesterday’s battle.
IV corps attack on the farm caught Blucher by surprise.
1st corps occupied the hill on their left and forced them to redeploy
IV corps failed to take the farm and lost two brigades
The remainder of the corps advanced towards the Celle road
They were held by 3rd and 4th corps, broke and fled back towards Brunswick
Another convincing victory for the Prussians.
Blucher has entered Hanover and achieved his campaign objective
He has secured his lines of communication with Magdeburg
He has abandoned his pursuit of Davout in order to rest his army
Davout is fleeing north to Hamburg with V, VI and XIII corps
IV corps is also retreating to Hamburg, but in better order.
The campaign has been a convincing victory for Blucher
Campaign Casualties
At the end of the campaign total casualties are as follows:
IV French Corps
13 Infantry Brigade - 4
14 Infantry Brigade - 3
15 Infantry Brigade - 8
16 Infantry Brigade - 3
4 Cavalry Brigade - 0
4 Corps Artillery - 0
V French Corps
17 Infantry Brigade - 3
18 Infantry Brigade - 8
19 Infantry Brigade - 8
20 Infantry Brigade - 2
5 Cavalry Brigade - 3
5 Corps Artillery - 0
VI French Corps
21 Infantry Brigade - 8
22 Infantry Brigade - 7
23 Infantry Brigade - 0
24 Infantry Brigade - 3
6 Cavalry Brigade - 2
6 Corps Artillery – 4 (lost guns)
XIII French Corps
1 Infantry Brigade - 4
2 Infantry Brigade - 1
3 Infantry Brigade - 3
4 Infantry Brigade - 2
13 Cavalry Brigade - 0
13 Corps Artillery - 0
1 Prussian Corps
1 Infantry Brigade - 7
2 Infantry Brigade - 8
3 Infantry Brigade - 1
4 Infantry Brigade - 8
1 Cavalry Brigade - 2
1 Corps Artillery - 0
2 Prussian Corps
5 Infantry Brigade - 0
6 Infantry Brigade - 0
7 Infantry Brigade - 4
8 Infantry Brigade - 0
2 Cavalry Brigade - 0
2 Corps Artillery - 0
3 Prussian Corps
9 Infantry Brigade - 2
10 Infantry Brigade - 1
11 Infantry Brigade - 5
12 Infantry Brigade - 5
3 Cavalry Brigade - 4
3 Corps Artillery - 0
4 Prussian Corps
13 Infantry Brigade - 1
14 Infantry Brigade - 4
15 Infantry Brigade - 1
16 Infantry Brigade - 0
4 Cavalry Brigade - 2
4 Corps Artillery - 1
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