As night falls both reinforcing corps are too far away to influence the battle
Both sides have put fresh brigades into the town
Top left Prussian POW being escorted off battlefield
VI French corpsMarshal Marmont (Average) – 4 CP - Engage
Artillery fire on enemy artillery (6) but miss
Marmont moves to centre of town
21 infantry rout back towards their supports
Skirmish 23 French (6) with 3 Prussian (6)
3 Prussian receive third casualty
3 Prussian test (4) and fail morale and rout
22 French test (6) for rout, fail and continue to rout
1st Prussian corpsGeneral Yorck (Gifted) – 7CP – Hold
Artillery fire (3) on infantry and miss
Move shaken 1 infantry behind supports
Yorck moves to centre of town
Move routed 3 infantry behind supports
Skirmish 2 Prussian (1) with 21 French (4), no casualties
Test morale (4) for shaken 1 infantry, fail and remain shaken
Test morale (4) for routed 3 infantry, pass and become shaken
Prince Blucher (Average) – 5CP
Move to join 1st corps
Change orders to retreat south towards 4th corps
Move to 4th corps
V French corpsGeneral Laurison (Average) – 6CP – Engage
17 infantry advance 6”
19 infantry advance 6”
18 infantry advance 6”
Artillery advance 8”
20 infantry advance 8”
Cavalry escort prisoners to rear
Marshal Davout (Gifted) – 7CP
No action
4th Prussian corpsGeneral Tauentzien (Poor) - 3CP – Engage
Artillery fire (4) on square and miss
Tauentzien move to rear column
Column advance 8” to west of town
Battle for WolfsburgMuch confusion as brigades rout towards enemy
Three of the original four brigades have routed out of the town
Both sides have orders fresh brigades to join the fight
The French hold west Wolfsburg
Both sides contest east Wolfsburg
Table at the end of Move 12
Notes on Game
1st Prussian corps has suffered heavy casualties of 16 infantry and 4 cavalry
This includes the infantry and cavalry brigade captured north of Wolfsburg
4th Prussian corps has not suffered any casualties, nor played much part in the battle.
V French corps has not suffered any casualties, but their cavalry brigade has played a significant part in the battle. They defeated the Prussian cavalry and captured the whole brigade, plus a supporting infantry brigade.
VI French corps has suffered medium casualties or 9 infantry, including one brigade in rout.
Blucher has accepted defeat, and ordered 1st corps to retreat towards 4th corps
Under cover of darkness 4th corps will retire south towards Helmstedt.
Davout is in a stronger position at the end of the battle than at the start.
He has joined V and VI corps, and occupies a central position.
This will allow him to move on Magdeburg via Helmstedt or Kalbe – or both
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