The Prussians cavalry have forced the French gunners to evade to the town, but must now remain there to prevent them returning to their guns.
If the French cuirassiers can rally they will force Yorck to abandon his attack until he can reposition his hussars.

General Yorck (Gifted) – 6CP – Engage Orders
Artillery fire short range on shaken infantry, hit
French infantry test morale for hit, fail and are shaken
3 brigade advance and form line from column of attack
3 Prussian skirmish, inflict casualties
19 French skirmish, inflict casualties
3 Prussian test morale, fail become shaken
19 French test morale, pass remain formed

General Laurison (Average) – 4CP – Hold Orders
Move 18 brigade into skirmish range
Move shaken cuirassiers closer to battle line
18 French skirmish, inflict casualties
19 French skirmish, inflict casualties
3 Prussian test morale for 3 casualties, fail and rout
2 Prussian test morale for nearby rout, fail become shaken
1 Prussian test morale for nearby rout, pass remain formed
17 French test morale for shaken, fail and remain shaken
French cuirassiers test morale for shaken, fail and rout
19 French test morale for nearby rout, fail and rout
18 French test morale for nearby rout, pass and remain formed
Notes on Game
French reinforced their skirmish line, won the skirmish fight and routed Prussian brigade
They also brought up their cuirassiers, which if they rally can charge shaken Prussian infantry. Cuirassiers failed morale and routed, taking an infantry brigade with them.
Both corps are suffering morale problems, and either could break and run.