Prussians have a slight advantage.
Their cavalry are in position to charge enemy guns, and force gunners to flee to town
Four infantry brigades supported by artillery against three infantry brigades
If French can rally their cavalry it would turn the whole battle around

General Laurison (Average) – 5CP – Hold Orders
Artillery fire on 1 Prussian, hit
1 Prussian test morale, pass, remain formed
Laurison move to take command of cuirassiers
Move cuirassiers closer to battle line
Laurison return to centre of corps
Cuirassiers test morale for shaken, fail, remain shaken
General Yorck (Gifted) – 5CP – Engage Orders
Artillery fire on shaken infantry, miss
Yorck moves to take command of hussars
Hussars charge enemy gunners, who evade to church
Yorck returns to centre of corps
Manhandle guns within canister range of French battle line
Notes on Game
French moved first, and inflicted artillery casualties on Prussian infantry
Yorck has to use precious CP to order hussars to charge enemy artillery
Gunners then evaded to the church, but French deprived of their artillery
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