Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bavarians hold Salzburg

10 July 1813

Battle of Salzburg

Campaign Background

General Wrede has orders to hold Salzburg and the surrounding area until the main army is ready to start their counter attack further north.

General Klenau has orders to move to Salzburg and occupy the town

Table at start of game

Wargames Table

Salzburg is the town on the left centre of the table.

The road bottom to top is from Italy (bottom) to Hochburg (top)

The road left to right is from Inzell (left) to Mondsee (right)

11 Bavarian corps are in and around Salzburg

2 Austrian corps will enter the table on the Mondsee road

The river Salach has one bridge which can be crossed by all arms. There is also a ford top and bottom which can be crossed by infantry and cavalry, who will move at half speed and be Disordered whilst crossing.

Austrians attack Salzburg

To avoid having to force the Salzburg bridge the Austrians have crossed the river south of the city.

Despite support from their artillery on the right bank, the Austrian hussars have lose the cavalry melee. But the guns force the Bavarian cavalry to retire.

The delay in crossing the river allows the Wrede to redeploy his infantry to meet the Austrian advance.

Klenau is unable to take the city and must retreat into the mountains and abandon his guns.

Effect on the Campaign

This Austrian defeat leaves them in a very dangerous situation.

Klenau has been forced to retreat into the mountains, and it will take some days for him to find a ford to cross the river Salach, and he will then have to march north to join the remainder of the Austrian army.

Link to battle report

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